Go International: GO-SERVE-GIVE!

03 Dec, 2021 - Tournaments, Rackets, Badminton Training, Events


An amazing tournament

We would like to say a big thanks to Ricardo Cedillo Castaneda, the frontier wheelchair player of the Lone Star Badminton Association. He got interested in badminton when he saw a Lone Star training at the West Grey Center - Downtown Area. He started a simple training one a week since then and attended more specific training sessions to improve his skills. He has an excellent reaction from overhead strokes which might make his opponents get confused.

After the pandemic, he got back to training in Marian Community Park and participated in a Para Badminton Tournament in March 2022 at Mexico. It was the first milestone of our mission: promoting badminton to everyone regardless of age, races, gentles and specially adaptive players. It means everything for us to keep up with our pathway.

We are so glad to have Ricardo, this wouldn't have happened without him.

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