10 reasons you choose to play badminton

12 Dec, 2022 - badminton

10 reasons you choose to play badminton
Badminton is an easy sport to play, easy to learn and regardless of age. Playing badminton brings a lot of health and excitement to players, so badminton is considered a sport of family and community.


With just a pair of racquets, balls and an empty court, your body will immediately have the following 10 benefits:
1. Burn calories: with constantly moving around the field as well as jumping high and smashing the bridge, with just 1 hour of playing badminton you have burned about 500 calories.
2. Improve concentration: badminton is a high-paced combat sport. Therefore, in order to keep up with the speed of the game, players need to be highly focused. This will make you more alert and focused during other activities.
3. Elevate your mood: if you are experiencing stress in your life, go to the badminton court and vent your worries into the game. The hormone endorphins will be released during physical activity and make you feel better.
4. Improve lung function: with intense exercise, your heart must work a lot, leading to faster oxygen exchange in the lungs. Not only the lungs but also other functional organs in the respiratory system are also significantly improved.
5. Helps you to sleep well: when you are physically active, your body is relaxed along with the comfort in your mood. This helps your sleep become easier and deeper.
6. Digestive system support: playing badminton helps support digestion as well as nutrient absorption. Along with that will increase appetite, boost metabolism and keep the digestive system healthier.
7. Keep the heart healthy: physical activity will increase blood flow to the organs in the body, lower cholesterol and prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
8. Elimination of toxins: with high intensity of exercise, the amount of sweat you shed on the floor will lead to a lot of toxins accumulating in the body.
9. Increase bone density: badminton requires the agility of the whole body, especially the legs in moving movements. Therefore, it will help increase bone density to help you prevent diseases such as arthritis or osteoporosis.
10. Increase muscle erection: with the above benefits, your body will destroy excess fat and muscles will become toned. Especially for badminton, the abs, legs, buttocks and arms are the most affected muscle groups.